Our Pastors:
Stephen has been Rector since 2020. Stephen completed his master’s of divinity degree at Taylor Seminary and was ordained a presbyter in 2019. Before that, he graduated from Vanguard College with a Bachelor’s of religious studies in pastoral leadership, and joined CtK as the youth pastor in 2014. Stephen is married to his wife, Angie, and together they are parents to four children.
Nathan has been serving with Christ the King since January 2023. He was recently ordained as a Deacon (December 2024). His role as a Curate is to assist with the ministry of CtK while simultaneously absorbing and learning in an Anglican setting. He is discerning a Church Planting calling. He is married to Christine and they have three beautiful girls.
Our Wardens and Council

People's Warden
Nancy Craig is the people's warden and the liaison person between the parish and the Council.

Rector's Warden
Appointed by the Rector, Chad Graham is the Rector's Warden and is responsible for suitable arrangements being made for worship in the absence of the Rector.
The Parish Council, formed from a team of parishioners and clergy, assist with the financial and practical concerns of the parish. They are voted in at our Annual General Meetings and serve terms of two years.
Treasurer: Alan
Secretary: Alex
Council Member at Large: Mark, Marilea, and Peter