There are many opportunities to grow in heart and mind at Christ the King. In 2019 there will be a number of activities going on. We will be continuing a reading group on CS Lewis’ ‘The Screwtape Letters’; there is a study on the 39 Articles (classical reformed Anglican theology); we will be running Christianity Explored and Discipleship Explored. There will also be the opportunity to learn about basic Christianity and ask basic questions as we go through the Anglican Catechism ‘To Be a Christian’ which is scheduled to be released in 2019.

Previously we have had study groups on the book of the Prophet Jonah, the first three chapters of Genesis, St. Athanasius’ book ‘On the Incarnation’, CS Lewis’ book ‘Mere Christianity’, and have looked at the theme of exile and pilgrimage throughout the Bible. We have lead the excellent Bible In A Day seminar which helps people get a sense of the ‘Big Picture’ of the Bible.

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask. There are new topics all the time. These things are apart from our active network of home groups and the substantial teaching and preaching which happens during our Sunday services.